Saturday, August 24, 2013

Update on new missionaries

Last Friday I returned from being in the United States for an eye surgery. It was so fun to spend time with our family while I was there and meet the four little grandsons that have been born since last June. My surgery went very well and I am grateful for that!   It is so good to be back in the mission with President Lovell and the most wonderful missionaries in the world! 

Amazing things are happening here in the mission!  While I was gone there were eight new Spanish speaking missionaries that received their religious visas and arrived in the mission. 


They went right out to the "field" and started to work!

Next week we will receive 29 more new missionaries.  These missionaries include a few that have received their religious visas and some that are coming straight from the MTC and the CCMs on tourist visas.  Our Secretary will work with them once they are here to get their religious visas.  We know there are many of our missionaries that are serving in other missions while they are waiting for their religious visas. The church is doing their best to make this new process of coming in on tourist visas apply to all missionaries.
While I was in Utah I was able to meet one of our missionaries that is serving in my home stake while she is waiting for her religious visa!  She is such a blessing there and the members of our home ward are grateful for her service. 

 Elder Heaps has recently returned home and sent me this photo of one of our future missionaries faithfully serving in his home ward!
As we talk to the missionaries who have served in their own countries as they have waited for their religious visas and then arrive here in Argentina it is wonderful to hear of  the experiences  they have had. There have been many miracles!  They are blessing lives wherever they serve!
One other thing that is interesting is that we have no missionaries going home this transfer.  There are three missionaries that are going home but they are all now in the new Comodoro mission and will leave from there!  We will use all of our time next week to get ready for our new missionaries!
We have already gone shopping and have all the food we need for some delicious meals with these new missionaries!
Lorena does so much to help with the cooking during transfer week.  That is a lot of food for her to prepare!
Tonight President Lovell and I decided to go shopping for a few things we need for some of the new pensions we will be opening this next week.  This is what we ended up with!  We now have almost all the dishes and cooking utensils for the kitchens of the 15 new pensions in the areas we will be opening!  Elder Ehmke has been working very hard to find all of these new pensions and to get all the things that our new missionaries will need.  We have always been grateful for him but we are especially grateful he is here right now as he arranges and cares for the pensions of all the missionaries!
Hermana Ehmke and I sorted it all into piles according to each pension. 
I just received word from one of our returned missionaries (Hermana Larson) that she has been teaching some of our missionaries in the MTC. She met with them for the last time on Saturday! Because we know and love Hermana Larson we know they will be well trained!  Our Elders are 1st, 5th, 7th, 8th, and 9th (from the left).
Monday afternoon update! I just heard that this group landed in Georgia and will be on their way to Argentina tonight!

We are very excited for all of our new missionaries to arrive!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. 29 new missionaries! Your head must be spinning! Thank you so much for keeping this blog. Very helpful and exciting information. We are hoping the visa for our son will come through promptly so he can join you in October!
