Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States.  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  It is a time to remember all of our many blessings.  I asked a few of our missionaries to share a few things they are grateful for.  We hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving Day wherever you are in the world!
I am grateful for my Savior and His sacrifice for me. I'm grateful for my family and the love and support they give me. I'm grateful for the gospel and to be able to bring the blessings it provides me to the people of Argentina. I'm grateful for my health and the ability to function everyday. I'm grateful for scripture: both ancient and living through modern day prophets. I'm grateful for modern technology and to be able to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving all the way from Argentina!

I am thankful for air, washing machines, and my mom. I am thankful for the opportunities to learn, serve, and meet new people. I am grateful for my dad, my brother, my sisters, and my bird. I am thankful for Jesus and His courage and example. I am grateful for good music, prayers, and scriptures. And I am thankful for forgiveness.

Sometimes you don't realize what you are grateful for until you don't have it or you sit down to think about it. This is a great time of year to stop and think about it. Here are some things that I'm grateful for, family, friends, good shoes, music, fan, a bed, a pillow, washing machine, watch, computers/modern technology to email, the scriptures, prayer, prophets, the gospel of Jesus Christ, time to serve and learn. These are just a few things that I am grateful for, really the list could go on forever. =)


I am so grateful for my family! I'm grateful for all they do to serve me. I'm also grateful that I can live with them forever! They are my best friends in the world and I love them so much!

Spanish version: 
Estoy muy agradecido este año por muchísimas cosas, pero más que antes nada, estoy agradecido por tener un madre que lavará mí ropas por 18 años. Estoy realmente agradecido por mi familia y el conocimiento que tengo que puedo vivir con ellos para siempre. Yo he sido bendecido con el oportunidad de vivir con un conocimiento de la iglesia verdadera y estoy agradecido que puedo compartir eso con las personas en la Misión Argentina Neuquén. Estoy agradecido por mi padre celestial que me ama y el gozo que siento en mi vida a causa del evangelio!
English Version: 
I am very grateful for many things this year, but more than ever before, I am grateful for a mom that washed my clothes for the past 18 years. I really am so grateful for my family and the knowledge that I have that I can live with them forever. I have been blessed with the opportunity to live with a knowledge of the true church and am so grateful I can share that with the people in the Argentina Neuquén Mission. I am grateful for my father in heaven that loves me and the joy in my life because of the gospel!  
I am thankful for the opportunity to be a missionary and representative of Jesus Christ. I am thankful for all the opportunities to love and get to know so many wonderful people from all over the Americas and I can see Gods love for me through them. I am thankful that Gods grace is sufficient and that even though I have so many weaknesses I am strong through my Savior.


I am grateful for repentance and the opportunity to take the sacrament and start over. I am grateful for the mercy and patience of the Savior despite my many weaknesses, and for all the opportunities that I have to learn from the scriptures, the spirit, my leaders and those around me. I am so grateful for coming to know so many people and learning something different from each one. God is kind in giving us experiences to teach us, whether good or bad.


Estoy agradecido por tener la oportunidad de cambiar, de poder arrepentirme cada día de las cosas que he hecho mal, por la expiación de cristo que me da la posibilidad de regresar a vivir con mi padre celestial y mis seres queridos. Agradezco cada día por mi familia, por el ejemplo y apoyo que ellos son para mi. Doy gracias infinitas por estar sirviendo una misión y sentir a diario el amor.  De mi salvador, es algo único. Doy gracias por las personas que dios ha puesto en mi vida para ayudarme, corregirme, amarme y guiarme para ser una mejor persona. Gracias por los principios que tengo. Gracias por las pruebas que tengo que me ayudan a progresar. Doy gracias por mi maravillosa vida. 

I am grateful for gods love and for my Savior Jesus Christ. For the peace and comfort they so freely offer me. For family y el gozo que tengo en mi alma hoy :)

Estoy agradecida por los momentos en que nos reimos hasta sentir dolor en la panza, por todos los amigos que he hecho en la mision, por los abrazos de los niños, por los almuerzos con postre, por las fotos, por las tiendas que no cierran a la hora de la siesta, por la buena musica y por el privilegio de representar a Jesucristo aqui en Argentina.

I truly am so thankful for many things. For bug repellent and warm showers. ;) But not only am I thankful for the things of the  world, but more importantly to have a family who loves and lives the gospel standards, and who has taught me how to live honorably. I am thankful for the Savior Jesus Christ and for my understanding of His sacrifice for me. I am grateful to be a part of His church and to be His representative this thanksgiving day!

Yo estoy agradecida por :) por mis padres,gracias a ellos puedo existir, estoy agradecida por mi vida, estoy agradecida por tener el evangelio en mi vida, gracias a dos jóvenes valientes que tocaron la puerta de mi casa.hoy gozo de las bendiciones del padre,Estoy agradecida por la expiación del salvador por que  Gracias a ella yo puedo perfeccionarme cada día.  Estoy agradecida por estar sirviendo en la misión y poder mirar milagros en mi vida y el las resonas. Estoy agradecida por  mis amigos y familia que me apoyan y brindan  su amor. Realmente es muy poco lo que puedo escribir por hay tanto por las cosas que tengo gratitud.

I'm so very grateful for a loving and supportive family. They've helped me more than they even know.  I'm also so grateful to have the gospel in my life thanks to my parents who had strong enough testimonies to raise me and my 5 other siblings in the gospel. I'm grateful for the mission and that I have the opportunity to serve gods children here in Argentina. There's nothing better or more important that I could be doing with my life than being out here in the mission. It truly is a blessing. Happy Thanksgiving! Even if Canada celebrated it in October. :)

 I am grateful for loving families that make me feel at home even though I'm farther away than ever. I'm so blessed to have my family, especially my parents, who support me and taught me the gospel with their testimonies and examples. Thanks to the atonement of Jesus Christ I can be with my amazing family for eternity. I'm thankful for music and smiles and letters and the opportunity to help other people be happy.

Yo estoy agradecida a mi padre celestial por la fortaleza  espiritual y fisica . Por la expiacion de su hijo jesucristo . Y que gracias ha eso puedo salir adelante y que el consuelo que el me da es grandioso . Estoy agradecida por seguir firme en su evangelio y por ser su discipula de el y tengo la esperanza de que todo saldra bien :-) amo  este evangelio .


I don't think there is any other thing I could express more gratitude for than the gift of Jesus Christ. He is the focal point of my life and I feel, especially this thanksgiving in the mission, great joy in knowing what He does for me as His brother. I am grateful for my loving family, and the blessing that it is to be raised in a home centered in Christ. I am grateful for His mercy and grace, and that everyone has the chance to come unto Him. And I have come to know that thanking Him is as easy as following Him.
From these two Hermanas:
I am grateful for loving families that make me feel at home even though I'm farther away than ever. I'm so blessed to have my family, especially my parents, who support me and taught me the gospel with their testimonies and examples. Thanks to the atonement of Jesus Christ I can be with my amazing family for eternity. I'm thankful for music and smiles and letters and the opportunity to help other people be happy.  
Estoy agradecida por tener la oportunidad de conocer a mi padre celestial y a su hijo jesucristo, por tener  a mis hermanos,ellos son una bendicion para mi, por tener bellas familias que me apoyan, por amigos,por buenos consejos, buenos ejemplo,y lo mas fundamental en mi vida la expiacion de Jesucristo

Sou agradecido por ter o evangelho em minha vida e que isso sempre me dá uma segunda oportunidade de fazer melhor com Cristo. Eu sou grato por meus pais e o amor que eles tem por mim. Sou grato pelo meu coração saudável que bate e me dá vida para seguir progredindo no caminho de ser mais como meu Pai Celestial é. Eu estou agradecido pelo sol e o oxigenio porque sem eles nao poderia viver.


Estoy muy agradecido por ser parte del Plan de Dios, por ser Su hijo y por tener un Salvador, Jesucristo, estoy muy agradecido por tener mis padres terrenales y por la oportunidad de ser un representante de Jesucristo durante estos 2 maravillosos años en Argentina. Estoy agradecido por mis padres terrenales, por futuras oportunidades, por las bendiciones que recibo día a día, agradecido por la oración, por la Santa Cena, por la Expiación, por mi salud. Estoy agradecido por los dones que tengo de Dios. Agradecido por estar aquí en la tierra y por el amor que mi Padre Celestial tiene por mí.
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us in the Argentina Neuquén Mission!

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